- Francis of Assisi
Tell people who are rich at this time not to become egotistical and not to place their hope on their finances, which are uncertain. Instead, they need to hope in God, who richly provides everything for our enjoyment. Tell them to do good, to be rich in the good things they do, to be generous, and to share with others. When they do these things, they will save a treasure for themselves that is a good foundation for the future. That way they can take hold of what is truly life.
- 1 Timothy 6.17-19 (CEB)
Okay; here’s the scenario. It’s Sunday morning. We’ve gathered in worship; we’ve sung, we’ve prayed, we’ve read from scripture, we’ve even had a laugh with the OPCC kids. At last it’s time for the sermon that will set the stage for the consecration of our pledges to God; the high point of our annual stewardship focus (aside from the Chris Cakes we’ve scarfed down). Wow! The stage is set and it’s show time, time for the preacher to shine.
But here’s the rub… the preacher doesn’t know what to say. This is the last chance to persuade the congregation to commit large sums of money to the church; and the preacher doesn’t know what to say. What should he or she say? What would you say in this situation? I invite you to reflect on these questions, and write down the points of your stewardship sermon. Feel free to email them to me. I’d love to read them and, who knows, by Sunday morning I might just have a sermon!
I hope to see you on Sunday.