Adult Ministries
There are many ways that we worship with one another, have fun together, grow through the Holy Spirit, and participate in the community here at OPCC.
Through Sunday School classes, fellowship groups characterized by various stages in life, Bible Studies, traditional men's and women's groups, and more, we strive to follow Jesus, to live in a way that reflects Christ's love, and to be open to the fullness of a life of faith in this community. Use the navigation above and to the right to learn more about how we nurture and encourage families to be intentional in growing in Christ together. |
When viewing our calendar:
OPCC = Overland Park Christian
RAV = Rios de Agua Viva Iglesia
IHN - Interfaith Homeless Network
CMS = Case Management Services
AIM = Advocacy in Motion
HBCS = Honeybee Community Services
Monarch = Monarch Montessori Preschool
Most other names of groups are 12-step support groups.
OPCC = Overland Park Christian
RAV = Rios de Agua Viva Iglesia
IHN - Interfaith Homeless Network
CMS = Case Management Services
AIM = Advocacy in Motion
HBCS = Honeybee Community Services
Monarch = Monarch Montessori Preschool
Most other names of groups are 12-step support groups.