Watch Our Livestream Worship Services
We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings, via your computer, by watching our Livestream worship here on our website, or on Facebook! Whether you watch on Facebook, or on YouTube, click here to access the bulletin and follow the liturgy.
For a more interactive option you can watch worship on Facebook and join in the conversation that happens in the comment section. The comment section on our YouTube page is not quite as active, but some have better luck with sound, watching on YouTube.
Announcements are available on our website homepage and are updated weekly - thank you for joining us here at OPCC!
Donate Online |
- Even when you are unable to worship with us in person, you can still participate fully in worship!
- To give online (by clicking the button above) you will be taken to a different, secure, website that helps us process our payments, through a trusted company called "Vanco"
- You can give one time, and you can also set up a recurring gift if you would like.
- You have the option to create an account (especially if you plan to set up recurring payments), but it is NOT required.
- Thank you for all the ways that you give of yourself to OPCC!
No matter how you worship, please contact the church office and we can mail you a copy of this week's worship service if you would like to have a copy mailed to you by USPS each week. The mailing goes out on Wednesday afternoons at the end of the work day.