Guest Information
Welcome! We are Overland Park Christian Church, a participating congregation in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Whether you are a mature Christian, just beginning your faith walk, or struggling with what you believe, we trust you'll find an opportunity to search, learn, grow and share with others here at OPCC. We hope to meet you personally sometime soon, and especially invite you to join us for worship on a Sunday. Although we hope to see you soon, here are some things you might like to know before visiting us:
Click on "play" above to hear a special welcome message from our church!
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- Click here for directions, a map, and How to Find Us
- Our Sunday Worship service offers an inter-generational, blended style worship gathering beginning at 10:30 a.m.
- Christian Education for children, youth and adults begins at 9:00 a.m. and concludes around 10:00 a.m. This allows you time to join in our choir at 10:00 a.m., or for coffee fellowship before worship in the Fireside Room!
- Some of our Christian Education classes take a break for the summer, watch the homepage slides for more information.
- We always welcome children and families in worship. The sounds of children remind us that God is moving in our midst! Please make yourself comfortable in our Family Friendly Worship area, and know you have many options for how you choose to worship as a family. Check out our resources for children in Worship.
- Nursery care is provided for both Worship and Christian Education, beginning at 8:45 a.m. The nursery is located in the northeast hall of our church, Room 41.
- During the school year we also offer special opportunities for children during Worship. Children Worship & Wonder occurs during our 10:30 a.m. worship service, beginning after the Kids' Time in Worship, and takes place in the Children's Worship Room. The Children's Worship Room is just north of our main entrance. During the summer we encourage children to stay with their families and offer a special place in the sanctuary to help keep children and youth engaged in Worship. Check out our resources for children in Worship.
- Before, after, and in between Worship & Christian Education, there is time for fellowship, coffee, and doughnuts in our Fireside Room. One of our greeters will be happy to point you in the right direction.
- There are parking lots north and west of the building. You may also park in the parking lot across the street to the east of the church (next to the fire station and Marty Pool).
- When you enter through the east doors (across from the fire station), greeters will meet you and help you find the worship service, Christian Education classes, nursery care if needed, and fellowship locations.
- When you visit, please sign our guest book in the entryway right inside the main doors (on the east side of the church building). By providing us with contact information we can provide you with more information about our community as you need.
- Dress is casual, so come as you are!
Welcome to OPCC!