Communion at Overland Park Christian Church
“We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.”
While we hope to welcome you to in-person worship sometime soon, we also know that for a variety of reasons many people are still worshiping virtually. In the Disciples of Christ tradition all who seek to know Christ are welcome to the table, and all elements that point to the Christ are welcome at the Lord's Table. Whether you use a cracker and juice at home, elements shared from the communion table in the sanctuary, or anything in-between, we trust in the power of Christ's love, that we are all connected to one another who meet at the Lord's Table.
If receiving communion elements from the church would enhance your experience of worshiping virtually, we invite you to "place an order" below, and communion elements will be made available for you to pick-up at your convenience. Please contact our receptionist office if you have any questions.
While we hope to welcome you to in-person worship sometime soon, we also know that for a variety of reasons many people are still worshiping virtually. In the Disciples of Christ tradition all who seek to know Christ are welcome to the table, and all elements that point to the Christ are welcome at the Lord's Table. Whether you use a cracker and juice at home, elements shared from the communion table in the sanctuary, or anything in-between, we trust in the power of Christ's love, that we are all connected to one another who meet at the Lord's Table.
If receiving communion elements from the church would enhance your experience of worshiping virtually, we invite you to "place an order" below, and communion elements will be made available for you to pick-up at your convenience. Please contact our receptionist office if you have any questions.