OPCC Vision and Core Values
In 2014 OPCC went through a visioning process to identify the vision we have for "being church" in the world, and to identify the core values by which we will follow our mission to be God's love in Christ in this world.
Our Vision
Overland Park Christian... Re-Visioning Church - Valuing, Affirming & Serving with Heart
Our Core Values
Our Vision
Overland Park Christian... Re-Visioning Church - Valuing, Affirming & Serving with Heart
Our Core Values
- Authentically living in hopeful expectation
- Serving with Heart
- Intentional valuing and accepting everyone
- Lovingly embracing social, spiritual, and cultural diversity
- Focusing on that which unites us
The Christian Church (DOC)
Identity, Vision, Mission & Core Values
Our Identity
We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one Body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord's Table as God has welcomed us.
Our Vision
To be a faithful, growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice (Micah 6:8).
Our Mission
To be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, witnessing, loving and serving from our doorsteps "to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)"
Core Values
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is the oldest Protestant denomination founded on American soil. Many of our core values come from these frontier origins, and the desire for religious freedom, diversity, simplicity, and unity. Ultimately though, our core values are found in the life of Jesus as witnessed in the New Testament.
Because of our commitment to freedom and diversity it is hard to summarize our beliefs. However, one attempt at a summary you might frequently hear from Disciples is:
We have no creed but Christ…
No gospel but love…
And no purpose but to serve.
No creed but Christ:
To be a member of OPCC means freedom in community. That is, we have no litmus test of beliefs or iron-clad creed; rather, we unite around our shared commitment to Christ Jesus, and encourage each individual to interpret the bible and personal faith through worship, fellowship, and study with one another, but without coercion or pressure.
No gospel but love:
The God we see revealed in the face of Jesus is not vengeful, angry, warlike, or domineering; rather loving and gracious. Thus, we allow the love of God to shape and mold our lives, determine how we relate with each other, and guide us day by day in life. Our principal guide for this journey is, of course, the Bible, which witnesses to the love of God through Christ.
No purpose but to serve:
As Disciples of Christ, we don’t want to conquer, dominate, or claim the world by tearing others down, nor building ourselves up at their expense. We simply want to share the love of God through service to each other and to our world. Thus, we strive to cooperate with all other Christians, and seek good will and understanding among all peoples and religions. At the heart of our life and worship is the communion table around which we gather each week, inviting all as Christ has welcomed all, as a reminder that God is always present and active in our lives; especially when we reach out in hospitality, fellowship and serving each other.
We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one Body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord's Table as God has welcomed us.
Our Vision
To be a faithful, growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice (Micah 6:8).
Our Mission
To be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, witnessing, loving and serving from our doorsteps "to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)"
Core Values
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is the oldest Protestant denomination founded on American soil. Many of our core values come from these frontier origins, and the desire for religious freedom, diversity, simplicity, and unity. Ultimately though, our core values are found in the life of Jesus as witnessed in the New Testament.
Because of our commitment to freedom and diversity it is hard to summarize our beliefs. However, one attempt at a summary you might frequently hear from Disciples is:
We have no creed but Christ…
No gospel but love…
And no purpose but to serve.
No creed but Christ:
To be a member of OPCC means freedom in community. That is, we have no litmus test of beliefs or iron-clad creed; rather, we unite around our shared commitment to Christ Jesus, and encourage each individual to interpret the bible and personal faith through worship, fellowship, and study with one another, but without coercion or pressure.
No gospel but love:
The God we see revealed in the face of Jesus is not vengeful, angry, warlike, or domineering; rather loving and gracious. Thus, we allow the love of God to shape and mold our lives, determine how we relate with each other, and guide us day by day in life. Our principal guide for this journey is, of course, the Bible, which witnesses to the love of God through Christ.
No purpose but to serve:
As Disciples of Christ, we don’t want to conquer, dominate, or claim the world by tearing others down, nor building ourselves up at their expense. We simply want to share the love of God through service to each other and to our world. Thus, we strive to cooperate with all other Christians, and seek good will and understanding among all peoples and religions. At the heart of our life and worship is the communion table around which we gather each week, inviting all as Christ has welcomed all, as a reminder that God is always present and active in our lives; especially when we reach out in hospitality, fellowship and serving each other.