- From, The Church Year, by Ann Weems (adapted)
Advent is a time of anticipation; a spiritual preparation for Christmas that embraces anew the journey from darkness to light. “But we already know the entire story of this journey,” you may object. “We know the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus who is the Light. So why should we return to darkness when we already know the Light?”
Why? Because we don't fully understand the Light; because we don't fully live in the Light; and because there is still darkness in our world and in our lives. Light is the promise of Advent; it's challenge is that the Light has not fully come. So we must return spiritually again and again to comprehend more of this Light; how it illumines our path, and fulfills our lives.
Advent is a journey from darkness to light. Along the way, we catch glimpses of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. On this first Sunday of Advent, we will meditate on Hope.