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Please use this outline as you participate in our online worship. You can also download a PDF of our order of worship, here. The weekly announcements for our community can be found on our website home page.
Our online worship will begin at 10:30am central on Sunday morning. Grab a candle to recall the light of Christ, and something that you can use for communion so that you are ready to worship God. Send us an email and let us know you joined us!
See you at 10:30!
Words of Welcome
Sharing Christ's Peace
Prelude to Worship
Gathering in the Light
Invitation to Worship
one: Who are we?
all: We are Disciples of Christ.
one: What is our purpose?
all: We are a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.
one: Who is welcome here?
all: As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table...
one: Why do we do that?
all: God has welcomed us. Let us worship our welcoming God!
Opening Song (Sing with us!) - When Morning Gilds the Skies
Response (Sing with us!) - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Scripture - Philippians 2:8-11 (CEB)
Disciples Affirmation
leader: Together, let us affirm our faith:
all: As members of the Christian Church,
We confess that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of the living God,
and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world.
Hymn (Sing with us!) - All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
Scripture - Matthew 28:18-20 (CEB)
Disciples Affirmation
leader: Together, let us affirm our faith:
all: In Christ’s name and by his grace
we accept our mission of witness
and service to all people.
Hymn (Sing with us!) - Here I Am, Lord
Scripture - Psalm 100 (CEB)
Disciples Affirmation
leader: Together, let us affirm our faith:
all: We rejoice in God,
maker of heaven and earth,
and in God’s covenant of love
which binds us to God and to one another.
Hymn (Sing with us!) - How Great Thou Art
Scripture - The Disciples' Baptism Story (A Children Worship & Wonder Story by Kaye Edwards, based on Galatians 3:26-28)
Disciples Affirmation
leader: Together, let us affirm our faith:
all: Through baptism into Christ
we enter into newness of life
and are made one with the whole people of God.
Hymn (Sing with us!) - We Call Ourselves Disciples
Scripture - John 13:34 & 14:26 (CEB)
Disciples Affirmation
leader: Together, let us affirm our faith:
all: In the communion of the Holy Spirit
we are joined together in discipleship
and in obedience to Christ.
Hymn (Sing with us!) - They'll Know We Are Christians
Prayers of the People (Submit a Prayer Request) and Our Lord's Prayer
Response (Sing with us!) - It Is Well with My Soul
Invitation to Stewardship - Click Here to Donate
Doxology (Sing along!) - Now Thank We All Our God
Prayer of Dedication
Celebration of Communion - ALL are welcome!
Words of Institution: Matthew 26:26-29
Disciples Affirmation
leader: Together, let us affirm our faith:
all: At the Table of the Lord
we celebrate with thanksgiving
the saving acts and presence of Christ.
Hymn (Sing with us!) - Let Us Break Bread Together
Prayer of Consecration
Invitation to Discipleship
Disciples Affirmation
leader: Together, let us affirm our faith:
all: Within the universal church
we receive the gift of ministry
and the light of scripture.
In the bonds of Christian faith
we yield ourselves to God
that we may serve the One
whose kingdom has no end.
Blessing, glory, and honor
be to God forever. Amen.
Closing Hymn (Sing with us!) - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Sharing the Light
Blessing & Benediction
one: Great is God’s faithfulness to us!
all: Morning by morning new mercies we see.
one: All that we need is provided by God.
all: God gives us strength for today and hope for tomorrow.
one: We come to give God thanks for another day.
all: This is a day to live, to love, and to serve.
one: And we start this day as we should start every day.
all: We leave here to praise and worship God!