Sunday morning at 10:25 a.m.
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Our online worship will begin at 10:30am central on Sunday morning. Grab a candle to gather in the light of Christ, and something that you can use for communion so that you are ready to worship God, wherever you worship.
Send us an email and let us know you joined us! See you at 10:30!
Sharing Christ's Peace & Gathering in the Light
Prelude to Worship
Invitation to Worship
One: If you are lost,
ALL: you are invited.
One: If you are seeking,
ALL: you are sought.
One: If you don’t know what you need,
don’t know what you want, or
don’t know who you are,
ALL: you are welcome.
One: Come, everyone,
ALL: Come to worship.
Opening Song (Sing along!) - Chalice Hymnal #284 "Gather Us in"
Prayer Response (Sing along!) - Chalice Hymnal #585 "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" (v. 1 & 3)
Prayer of Illumination (Sing along!) - "Be Still"
Worship & Wonder Scripture -
"The Good Shepherd and the Lost Sheep" a Children Worship & Wonder story by Sonja M. Stewart and Jerome Berryman based on John 10 and Psalm 23 told in Worship
Scripture - Luke 4:14-15 & Luke 15:1-10 (NRSVue)
Sermon - "What's Missing?"
Special Music - You Will Be Found from Dear Evan Hansen
music & lyrics by Benj Pasek & Justin Paul; Vocal Arr. Justin Paul, piano arr. Alex Lacamoire & Justin Paul
Prayers of the People (Submit a Prayer Request)
and Our Lord's Prayer
Song of Response (Sing along!) - Chalice Praise #98 "Good to Me"
Invitation to Stewardship - Click Here to Donate
Doxology (Sing along!) - Chalice Hymnal #72 "To God Be the Glory" v. 1
Prayer of Dedication
Celebration of Communion - ALL are welcome!
Communion Response (Sing along!) - The Faith We Sing #2267 "Taste and See"
Invitation to Discipleship
Closing Song (Sing along!) - Chalice Hymnal #467 "Fill the World With Love"
Blessing & Benediction
Acknowledgements and permissions:
Permission to use and stream the music in this worship service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A-730652 and
CCLI #36152 and CSPL143030. All rights reserved.
Portions of our liturgy from Gathered by Love: Worship Resources for Year C, by Lavon Bayler. United Church Press: Cleveland, OH 1994, Pages 138-139; and Pastor Sarah Wiles