Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
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Our online worship will begin at 10:30am central on Sunday morning. Grab a candle to recall the light of Christ, and something that you can use for communion so that you are ready to worship God.
Send us an email and let us know you joined us! See you at 10:30!
Sharing Christ's Peace
Prelude to Worship
Gathering in the Light
Invitation to Worship
one: Before the sun rises, before the wound heals, before there are answers, before there is closure –
ALL: God meets us in the night.
one: Where joy is effervescent, where laughter is contagious, where flowers bloom from cracks in the sidewalk, and where people gather around the table-
ALL: God meets us in the light.
one: At the edge of the water, at the beginning of the wilderness, at the start of something new, on the edge of faith –
ALL: God meets us at the threshold.
one: And if God meets us in all those places, then surely God meets us in between--
ALL: Staying with us through the wilderness. one: We are not alone. God is all around.
ALL: Let us worship the God of the here and now.
Opening Song (Sing with us!) - CH 280 - God Is Here!
Scripture - Isaiah 49:8-10 (NRSV)
Scripture - Jesus is Baptized, a Children Worship & Wonder Story by Sonja M. Stewart & Jerome W. Berryman based on Mark 1:1-11
Special Music - “Again & Again by The Many
Prayers of the People (Submit a Prayer Request) and Our Lord's Prayer
Invitation to Stewardship - Click Here to Donate
Doxology (Sing along!) - CP 15 - Great Is the Lord
Prayer of Dedication
Celebration of Communion - ALL are welcome!
Words of Institution: Matthew 26:26-29
Musical Response (Sing along!) - CH 401 - In Remembrance of Me
Invitation to Discipleship
Closing Hymn (Sing along!) - CP 55 - This Is Holy Ground
Sharing the Light
Blessing & Benediction (Recite it with us!)
As you leave this space,
May your mouth speak of God's goodness.
May your arms hold those in need.
May your feet walk towards justice.
May your heart trust its worth.
May your soul dance in God's grace.
And may this be your rhythm -
Again and again and again,
until God's promised day.
In the name of the Lover, the Beloved, and Love itself,
Go with courage, go with heart, go in peace.
Acknowledgements and permissions:
Permission to use and stream the music in this worship service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A-730652 and CCLI #36152 and CSPL143030. All rights reserved.
Portions of our liturgy written by Sarah Are |A Sanctified Art, LLC; and adapted from Led by Love: Worship Resources for Year B, by Lavon Bayler. United Church Press: Cleveland, OH 1996. Pages 56-57.