Christmas Eve morning at least by 11:00 a.m.
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Our online worship can begin whenever you and your family would like to experience worship. It will be available by 11:00 a.m. on Christmas Eve. Grab a candle to recall the light of Christ - YOUR ADVENT WREATH if you are able - something that you can use for communion, and your offering, so that you are ready to worship God. If you have a taper candle to use for the end of worship, we would love to share the light with you!
Send us an email and let us know you joined us! See you at 10:30!
Sharing Christ's Peace
Prelude to Worship
Gathering in the Light of Advent
Musical Response (Sing along!) - We Light a Candle (Hope, Peace, Love, Joy)
one: This year, we dreamed of world peace.
all: We dreamed of deep breaths and restful sleep.
one: We dreamed of love that lasts and suffering that passes.
all:: We dreamed of doors open wide and a cure to disease.
one: We dreamed, because to dream is to believe.
all: For to dream is to hope; to dream is to see.
one: So make room in your being to dream yet again,
all: Of a world without fear, and a God that draws near.
one: For it is almost Christmas.
all: Love is almost here.
one: May we dream to see, and hope to believe.
all: Let us worship Holy God.
Opening Hymn (Sing along!) - CH 119 - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
A Service of Light: Lessons and Carols
The Coming of Jesus is Announced
In Song - "O Come , All Ye Faithful"
Preparations for the Birth of Jesus
In Poetry - "Che Jesus"
In Song (Sing along!) - CH 144, vv. 1 & 4 - "O Little Town of Bethlehem"
Jesus Is Born
In Song (Sing along!) - CH 147, vv. 1 & 3 - "Away in a Manger"
Jesus' Birth Is Announced to the Shepherds
In Song - "Hark! the Harald Angels Sing"
The Shepherds Find the Baby Jesus
In Song - "The First Noel"
We Are Those Who Dream
In Meditation
In Song - "Those Who Dream" by The Many
Doxology (Sing along!) - Noel Doxology
Prayer of Dedication
Celebration of Communion - ALL are welcome!
Words of Institution: Matthew 26:26-29
Musical Response - Infant Lowly
Prayers of the People and Our Lord's Prayer (Submit a Prayer Request)
Our Lord's Prayer (debts/debtors)
Invitation to Discipleship
Sharing the Light
Closing Hymn (Sing along!) - CH 145 - Silent Night, Holy Night
Blessing & Benediction
Acknowledgements and permissions:
Permission to use and stream the music in this worship service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A-730652 and CCLI #36152 and CSPL143030. All rights reserved.
Portions of our liturgy written by Sarah Are | | A Sanctified Art, LLC; ©enfleshed, December 27, 2020, and adapted from Led by Love: Worship Resources for Year B, by Lavon Bayler. United Church Press: Cleveland, OH 1996. Pages 16-17.