On February 11, 2022 our General Minister and President of the Christian Church (DOC), the Rev. Terri Hord Owens, gave a State of the Church address to our General Board of the denomination. It was an inspiring delivery, challenging and hopeful. Please take time to watch this video address. You can access a hard copy of the transcript, here. Thank you for your commitment to the wider world of Disciples with whom we worship and serve!
Dearest OPCC Friends and Family: You’ve heard Rev. Laura for (at least?) the last 5 weeks remind you how we are still in the Easter season, that no matter what the calendar or what the retail stores tell you, the season of Easter, the season of celebrating new life in God’s world, continues long past Resurrection Sunday. As Christians we know this to be true no matter what, but we especially know this to be true this week as we are pleased to announce the next step in our “COVID journey as a faith community.” Beginning on Sunday, May 9th all who wish to return to in-person worship at Overland Park Christian Church are invited to do so. Your worship experience will of course be very different from what it was in February 2020, and there are many steps you must take before returning to the building, but we celebrate this movement as we continue to live in community with and for one another. Johnson County continues to be in “the substantial spread zone,” according to the CDC and while many of us are vaccinated (thank you!) scientists and health experts are still concerned about community spread, particularly for those unable to be vaccinated, like children and youth. OPCC’s transition to in-person experiences does not change the danger of this virus, its increasing variants, or your own personal risk factors. While the staff will focus its energy on in-person worship, the livestream video on our website and our Facebook page will absolutely continue. However, it will look quite different than the quality we have witnessed over the last 13 months. We are still waiting on our new live-streaming cameras (two!) and equipment to be installed. Many pieces of technology all around the world, including our cameras, are experiencing a supply shortage, and so we are at the mercy of that availability and schedule. We have been told several times that we can expect these cameras at the end of May. Until then we will continue with the livestreaming equipment that we used for several years up through our move to virtual worship in March 2020. We will still provide the best quality product that we are able and will continue to work with the technology to bring a life-giving worship experience to all who worship, whether virtually or in-person. In addition to the grace necessary surrounding our technology schedule, significant grace and commitment to community is required for any who are returning to the building for worship or fellowship of any kind. Returning to in-person community requires a covenant of behavior that keeps all of God’s children safe, and does not leave anyone behind. When any of us begin to participate regularly in a faith community, we take on a certain covenant with one another, to respect and love one another the way Christ teaches us. We celebrate this unspoken covenant of behavior each and every time we share in communion. Returning to in-person faith experiences in the midst of a still ongoing global pandemic means we are engaging in an expanded covenant with one another. Your OPCC Returning Committee has continued to investigate best practices and has developed a covenant of behavior, along with important procedures and protocols that we ALL must follow while at OPCC. Click on the "full screen" button (four arrows pointing outward) of the Covenant above to see BOTH PAGES, or click here to download a PDF of this covenant of behavior that every person coming to OPCC is expected to follow. Please read the covenant, along with the specific questions regarding the COVID-19 screening. Please plan to keep these in a visible spot in your home so that you can refer to that covenant and screening questions as needed in coming weeks.
Even if the county or city officials change mandates to recommendations, Overland Park Christian Church will continue to act in the best interest for all of God’s beloved, including our children and families who have not yet had the opportunity to be vaccinated. In 2014, OPCC embarked on a visioning process to identify the vision we have for “being church” in the world, identifying the values by which we follow our mission to live as God’s love in this world. In this visioning process, we all talked extensively about our commitment to youth, young adults, children, and families, and so we continue to keep them at the forefront of our safety practices (like required mask-wearing) as we return to in-person fellowship and worship. The scripture on May 2 is from John 15:1-8: “abide with me.” We are excited to abide with one another in new ways that we have missed these last 13 months. We have discerned, and will continue to discern best practices to continue keeping our entire community safe, and give thanks for your willingness to participate in these best practices for the life and health of the entire Body of Christ. Please know that however you worship with us in coming weeks, you have been in our prayers, and you remain the prayers of the entire staff, our officers, elders, and deacons. Please remember: We belong to God, and we belong to one another. Our ministry will continue to reflect this. Blessings of grace and peace, Rev. Laura Ann Phillips, Rev. Chuck Pickrel and The Leadership of Overland Park Christian Church Pat Gilling (Board 2018-2021) Theresa Krebs (Board 2019-2022) Terri Bookless (Board 2019-2022) David Collins (Board 2020-2023) Sue Elliott (Board 2021 & Returning Comm.) Dr. Kathy Kinder (Returning Comm.) Maggie Noel (Returning Comm.) Mike McLain (Returning Comm.) Lois Wimpey (Returning Comm.) Barb Collins (Returning Comm.) Mary Beth Boucher (Returning Comm.) On April 10, 2021 our General Minister and President of the Christian Church (DOC) gave a State of the Church address to our General Board of the denomination. It was an inspiring delivery, challenging and hopeful. Please take time to watch this video address. You can access a hard copy of the transcript, here. Thank you for your commitment to the wider world of Disciples with whom we worship and serve! Though we won't physically be together to sing Silent Night and share the light of Christ with one another on Christmas Eve, you still have an opportunity to participate in sharing the light with one another by video. Below is an instructional video from Rev. Laura about how to create this video. If you are uncomfortable or unsure of how to make that happen, you can also take a photo of yourself with a lit candle and it will be included. Instructions for video and photo participation are included in this instructional video. How to Submit Your Photo/VideoOnce you've completed your video / photo the BEST, most efficient, way to get your video / photo to our video editor is by way of a Dropbox File Request. We've included specific instructions below that should make this easy.
If you are unable to figure out the Dropbox File Request, you can try to send your video / photo directly to our video editor by sending him an email. The deadline to submit is Tuesday 12/22/20 by the end of the workday - though I'm sure our video editor would welcome them to be submitted ASAP! Finished Product ExampleHere is a similar video - with some obvious differences! - of what the final product will look like. You can see that it can be informal and fun, so don't worry about the background, what you are wearing, or what kind of candle you have. We are excited to see your faces and share the light with you! Take a look at this example and learn a little from our siblings in faith as they have recently celebrated! Dearest OPCC Friends and Family: Beginning November 1, to accommodate the time change, and changing light, our outdoor, in-person, Sunday evening prayer service will take place at 4:00pm in OPCC Main Courtyard. We have not yet reached "capacity," in any of our gatherings, and so offer the open invitation to whoever would like to join us. Johnson County continues to be in “the red zone,” many of our children continue to school from home, and scientists and health experts are still very concerned about uncontrolled community spread. OPCC’s addition of an in-person option does not change the danger of this virus or your own personal risk factors. Please remember this. We realize that many will not be ready at this time to return to an in-person gathering, and we honor your decision and support you completely. OPCC will continue to offer a virtual worship option on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. This virtual worship option will be available on our website, on our Facebook page, and over the phone (dial 913-299-9002). The Sunday morning virtual worship option will continue to be our main worship experience and offer a fuller worship experience. The Sunday evening prayer service is in addition to the Sunday morning experience, with a different format and focus. Sunday evening will include communion. When any of us begin to participate regularly in a faith community we take on a certain covenant with one another, to respect and love one another the way Christ teaches us. We celebrate this unspoken covenant with one another each and every time we share in communion. Participating in an in-person faith experience in the midst of a global pandemic means we are engaging in an expanded covenant with one another. Please read this covenant here. This covenant of behavior is designed to extend God’s compassionate care to all who are part of our community. If you plan to return to OPCC in any capacity, please read the covenant on the reverse side of this letter. By returning to our building, indoors or outdoors, you are demonstrating your agreement to each of the principals and actions outlined in this covenant. Blessings and perseverance, Rev. Laura Ann Phillips, and The Leadership of Overland Park Christian Church |
Worship This Week