Last night at the church, we participated in a worship service led by Iglesia de Discipulos. The church led us through numerous worship songs to which we not only sang but danced alongside each other in a combined act of worship. It was an aerobic workout! But more than that it was a very moving worship experience. God's presence was felt in that space by each and every one of us. To worship and sing praises to our Lord in both Spanish and English (at the same time) was intensely moving.
Tears were shed as a sign of joy for each other, for relationships that were strengthened, and the new relationships which were formed this week. Tears were also shed in sadness that we will depart from this country to return to our own families and churches. We will miss these loving people who have blessed us so very deeply. Our hearts are full.
What began three years ago when we first met these people during our last trip, has been strengthened exponentially. We may be two churches in very different parts of the world but we are one in the body of Christ. As the Costa Rican church prayed over our group last night, the song "Open the Eyes of my Heart" was playing in the background. We sang:
"Open the eyes of my heart Lord, open the eyes of my heart. I want to see you. I want to see you. To see you high and lifted up. Shining in the light of your glory. Pour out your power and love as we sing holy, holy, holy"
I looked around that room and saw Christ in each pair of eyes I found. We will continue to sing, holy, holy, holy. We may be miles apart but we will continue to sing the same praises to the One who unites us all. Thanks be to God!