Care & Share Group
While a support group can by no means erase the pain of the loss of a partner, it can make a difference moving forward. OPCC's Care & Share Support Group invites widows and widowers to come together to receive loving support in this fellowship of individuals who have walked in these similar experiences. Care & Share meets once a month for community activities and fellowship. For more information you can check our OPCC Calendar or you can contact the church office, ext. 221 and leave a message for the Care & Share group. Someone will get back with you shortly!
When viewing our calendar:
OPCC = Overland Park Christian
RAV = Rios de Agua Viva Iglesia
IHN - Interfaith Homeless Network
CMS = Case Management Services
AIM = Advocacy in Motion
HBCS = Honeybee Community Services
Monarch = Monarch Montessori Preschool
Most other names of groups are 12-step support groups.
OPCC = Overland Park Christian
RAV = Rios de Agua Viva Iglesia
IHN - Interfaith Homeless Network
CMS = Case Management Services
AIM = Advocacy in Motion
HBCS = Honeybee Community Services
Monarch = Monarch Montessori Preschool
Most other names of groups are 12-step support groups.